This article will instruct users on how to navigate the Sidebar and Top Menu Banners on the main screen. These are used together. For example, if I select Clients in the Sidebar, then whatever I click in the Home Banner will relate to that, like Terminated Clients. Whereas if I selected Staff from the Sidebar, then the checkbox would instead read Terminated Staff.
Jump to Section: [Sidebar] [Home Banner] [Settings Banner] [Billing Banner] [Reporting Banner] [Help Banner]
Sidebar Navigation
From the sidebar, you can click the + to expand each section. The large building icon represents your Organization. |
In this example, Clients is selected on the Sidebar, so you would see a list of your clients in a grid view that can be sorted and filtered if needed (see below). To learn more, see Search & Sort Functions.
Home Banner Navigation
Add | Add a new record, depending on the item selected on the sidebar (Client/Staff/Service/School/Funding Source) |
Edit | Edit an existing record, depending on the item selected on the sidebar (Client/Staff/Service/School/Funding Source) |
Remove | Remove a record, depending on the item selected on the sidebar (Client/Staff/Service/School/Funding Source) |
Terminated Checkbox | Show terminated/inactive records |
Font Size | Select the desired font size for the grid (Small, Medium, Large) |
Selected Schedule | Open the selected Schedule, based on the item selected on the sidebar and the entity selected in the grid. For example, if I have Clients selected in the sidebar, and I have Fake Patient selected in the grid. Then I would be opening the schedule for Fake Patient. |
My Schedule | Open your Schedule (based on who is logged in). |
Scheduling Genie | Open the Scheduling Genie |
Scheduling Matrix | Open the Scheduling Matrix |
Release Appointments | Release Downloaded Appointments (This is related to GO Work Offline Mode) |
Reconcile Reported Times | Reconcile Guardian Reported times |
Attendance Reports | Access Attendance Reports |
Flexible Reporting | Access Flexible Reporting |
Address Book | Open Address Book |
User Account | Open User Account settings |
Have an Idea? | Submit and vote on proposed future features |
NOTE: You can click the ^ (up arrow) on the right side of the menu banner to Close & Unpin the top menu banner. This means that the banner with all the icons will be hidden and you will need to click Home to get it to show up again. You can then click the Pin Icon on the right-hand side to pin open the banner again.
Collapse & Unpin | Pin Open |
Settings Banner Navigation
Agency Transfer | Transfer a Client or Staff record from one Office/Agency to another Office Agency. |
Appt Status Types | Open Appointment Status Types |
Billing Module | Open Billing Module |
Credentials | Access Credentials |
Customized Lists | Open Customized Lists |
Catalyst Synchronization | Open Catalyst Synchronization tools and settings (only for clients who are integrated with the Catalyst Data Collection Software). |
HR Management | Open HR Management (Pay Codes) |
Master Funding Source | After Billing Module is turned on with the clearinghouse, use this to set up Payor IDs and Payor types. |
Non-service Days | Global Non-Service Days |
Organization | View/Update Organization/Agency Info |
Organize Teams | Organize Teams |
Parent Portal | Open Parent Portal Settings |
Scheduling Genie Attributes | View/Update Scheduling Genie Attributes |
System Security | Open System Security |
User Account | Open User Account Settings |
Billing Banner Navigation
Claims Manager | Open Claims Manager |
Claims Wizard | Open the Claims Wizard |
Statements | Open Statements |
Invoice Manager | Open the Invoice Manager |
Invoices | View Generated Invoices |
Generate Monthly Billing | Generate Monthly Billing |
Close Monthly Billing | Close Monthly Billing |
ATAP Invoices | ATAP Invoices |
Add Payment | Add a Payment |
Payments Ledger | Open the Payments Ledger |
Attendance Reports | Open Attendance Reports |
Staff Clearance Form | Open the Staff Clearance Forms |
Billing Summaries | Open Billing Summaries |
Reporting Banner Navigation
Flexible Reports | Open Flexible Reporting |
Verification Forms | Open Verification Forms |
Contract Summaries | Open Contract Summaries |
Help Banner Navigation
About NPAWorks | About the system, including version and copyright information. |
Help Center | Open the WebABA-Enterprise online Knowledge Base. |
Contact Us | Reach out to support for help. |