The Reconcile Reported Time (RRT) feature is used to determine which set of start/end times should be used for billing and payroll purposes: Scheduled vs. Reported times.
- Scheduled - Based on what is currently on the schedule for the appointment's begin/end time.
- Reported - Based on what is reported by the Guardian when signing for appointments in GO.
Because these times may differ, such as if staff show up early/late, or when a session must end early or run longer, WebABA Enterprise offers a way for you to quickly review these differences and pick which times you wish to use for your billing/payroll cycles.
NOTE: In order to use the RRT feature, you must first have reported times to reconcile! This means a parent/guardian has reported a different time on an appointment in GO or there is a different time entered on the Catalyst SOAP Note (if you are integrated with Catalyst).
See the following article for more info: How to Report Different Times As a Guardian When Completing Appointments.
The Reconcile Reported Times (RRT) feature is located on the Home tab of WebABA Enterprise. Depending on your account's access, you may or may not have this button visible. Please contact your WebABA Enterprise administrator for further assistance.
NOTE: You must select the particular Office/Agency you wish to reconcile times for from the left-hand navigation list of WebABA Enterprise.
Reconcile Reported Times: Step 1-Select
- Select the Office/Agency you wish to reconcile on the left-hand menu.
- Click Reconcile Reported Times on the Home tab.
A new window will open. Here you can filter for appointments by Dates of Service, Client, Funding Source, and criteria such as running longer/shorter than the scheduled billable times, or whether to include Non-rendered Appointments as well.
- Click Search, and the results that match these criteria will be displayed.
- Select which (Use Scheduled vs. Use Reported Time) to use by clicking Option Selected on each row.
- Checking the box Create A Payroll Appointment to have WebABA Enterprise insert a blue payroll appointment in the staff's schedule and make up the difference, for example in instances where an appointment runs "under".
- To update multiple appointments at once, select each with a checkmark and then use the dropdown Update Option for checked appointments.
NOTE: Next to it are a Clear All and a Select All button to allow for quickly selecting/deselecting many appointments at once.
- Scrolling to the right will reveal additional columns that provide info such as the Guardian's comments, which may help explain any variances in times.
- Once you have chosen the appropriate update options for the appointments selected, click Next.
Reconcile Reported Times: Step 2-Preview
Step 2 of the RRT window will allow you to review your changes before committing them. You can click Back if additional changes need to be made, or Cancel if you want to exit the process altogether.
In the example screenshot below you can see a new Payroll Appointment will be inserted from 10:15 - 10:30 AM to make up for the early end of the session.
- Click Validate to have WebABA Enterprise's scheduling system check for any errors.
Once the system finishes validating, any errors that are found will be shown for you to fix at the scheduling level (if they will cause billing/payroll issues).
- If no critical errors are found, it will report Success! and ask if you click OK to save your changes (or to return to Step 1, click Cancel).
- You will receive a confirmation popup that your changes have been saved.
Click OK.
- Looking at the schedule you will see the adjustments to the times you set in RRT and any added Payroll Appointments you made.