Jump to a Section: [Note Type] [Summary and Details] [Author, Edited By, Attachment] [Add an Attachment] [Expiration / Warning] [Visual Warnings]
This document will instruct users on how to navigate the Notes & Issues tab of the Funding Source record in NPAWorks. The screenshots in this document will use a Private Insurance funding source as an example, however, these instructions will apply to all funding source types.
Notes & Issues Tab
In the Funding Source, locate the Notes & Issues tab as shown below.
Under the Notes & Issues tab you will see the Notes & Issues options. Click Add.
When you click Add, a line item will be added, however, you will enter the details of that note on the bottom half of the screen.
Note: There is no limit to the number of Notes you can add.
Note Type
Note Type provides a pre-generated list. This list can be modified by going to the main screen of NPA Works. Then click Customize List under the Settings tab.
Summary and Details
On the Summary line, add a short summary of the note. For example "Call Log".
In the large box below that, you will enter all the details of the note. There is no limit to the amount of text you can enter here.
Author, Edited By, Attachment
On the lower right-hand side, you will see the Author listed and the date the note was added. Next, you will see the user that last edited the note and the date that occurred. And lastly, you will see links to any Attachments included in this note.
Note: You will not see the Author or Edited info updated until you Save the note.
Add an Attachment
To add an attachment to the note, go to the Attachment section at the top and click Add.
This will bring up the Select Attachment File window to choose a file from your machine.
Select the file and click Open to add the attachment.
Expiration / Warning
To have the system give you a notification about a note, you can set an Expiration.
Check the box for Expiration and then select the date from the drop-down. The Give Warning box will automatically be checked as well.
Visual Warnings
The system will give you visual warnings when the expiration on your notes is approaching or has passed.
Blue Font means the note will expire within 14 days.
Red Font means the note has already reached the expiration date.
Click Save & Close in the top left-hand corner when you are done adding your note.